Bionet Medical Center

BIONET MEDICIAL CENTER – Reach Vulnerable Communities 

While a significant portion (70%) of Ugandans reside within a 5km radius of a healthcare facility, the high cost of quality medical services is an obstacle for those living on minimal income. This often leads to reliance on over-the-counter prescriptions, contributing to the development of drug resistance and a worsening prognosis of illnesses. Furthermore, the existing healthcare services often lack cultural sensitivity, making them less acceptable to marginalized and underserved populations.

BIONET Medical Center addresses these issues by offering comprehensive, culturally sensitive, and subsidized healthcare for all, bridging the gap in the healthcare system.

Our mission is based in Wakiso district, Uganda, and our goal is to provide accessible, affordable, and culturally acceptable healthcare to all who need it.

CERAD operates a community-based facility that offers essential diagnostic and curative medical services to urban poor, young people and vulnerable individuals in Nakabugo village, Wakiso district. The Centre aims to improve healthcare access through both static and community-based outreaches, targeting hard-to-reach and underserved populations. The facility offers medical care to 2000 clients annually.

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